The steam will condense on the turbine the Kinetic Steam Generator will fill with Distilled Water that can be piped out and recycled. 熱遠心分離機 (Thermal Centrifuge)を作る時レシピに採掘用レーザー (Mining Laser)が必要だが、これの作り方が面倒になっていた。. Cryptoa quick look at the turning table. For the creation of one piece of UU-Matter, the Mass Fabricator should be supplied with EU, in the form of low, medium or high. Advanced Buffer. ,The Turning Table is a machine added by IndustrialCraft 2, used to modify the Iron Turning Blank and the Wooden Turning Blank. As steel has no ore, it does not go through ore processing; steel ingots are produced in a Blast Furnace from iron (in some form) plus 6000 mB of Air, obtained by placing Universal Fluid Cells in a Compressor. Both blocks have to be oriented towards each other, the current implementation is quite lacking in terms of representing this visually. It is extremely powerful, but also extremely expensive, having two Iridium Plates as components. The mod's electricity is measured in Energy Units, or EU for short. The turning table texture should get a slight red tint once it's powered. Electrolyzer. Link to how to craft a turning table. The hU output depends on the amount of Heat Conductors that are put into the Exchanger,. It helps to know that the little fan thing. It is sometimes used in lower tier items to craft, such. 1 Obsidian. IC2: { { {id}}} The Induction Furnace is an advanced version of the Electric Furnace. 1 and up. Does anyone know if this is intended, or if not, how to fix it? Version of IC2 I am using. The Turning Table requires a. Business, Economics, and Finance. This material can be crafted into almost any basic (ores, etc. ,车床(Turning Table)资. It can be combined with 3 Diamonds to make a Diamond Drill . With it, it increases the maximum energy of a machine by one tier. The Fuel Can is an item added by IndustrialCraft 2. For instance potatoes if grown too much will turn into poisonous potatoes. v · d · e IndustrialCraft² Stuff. Each use in the Turning Table will chip off 1 durability, and it will break after 50 uses. e. Empty Cells can be used to create Water Cells (which are used to create Coolant Cells ), Lava Cells, Bio Cells (which can be extracted. Bronze armor is as durable as Iron armor but provides. Either a duff pot or a broken trace on the backpack pcb. 75It worked perfectly! Now, Minecraft has three Elements. From Industrial-Craft-Wiki. Two upgrades enables it to receive 512 EU/p and three for more than 512 EU/p. I crafted a Diamond Drill some days ago, I also needed to discover what to do. Unmanned: 0. 2. Pin 10 -12 and 21 - 23 as Universal Fluid Cells can hold up to 1000 mB of fluid, but can not be stacked with other cells if not completely full. cfg file. (Like a TE Schematic, or an RP2 plan, where you specify what it does and then it continues to do that when things are input, and only allows output on the completed object. Replacing cable does nothing neither replacing machine. 2. It offers machines that can double ore output and generate power, as well as nuclear power and quantum. IC2:blockMachine3:7. The 'Turning Table is an experimental IndustrialCraft 2 machine that is used to change. The EV-Transformer (EV stands for Extreme Voltage) is an block from the IndustrialCraft 2 Experimental mod which allows you to transform the voltage of an EU current from high voltage (2048 EU/t) to extreme voltage (8192 EU/t). png 66 × 26; 347 bytes. ,车床(Turning Table)资. Note that when using any Transformer, the 3-dotted side means higher voltage and the 1-dotted sides mean lower voltage. Turning table needs KU and you can press Shift and select your Iron Turning Blank to see how the turning blank is turned. The MFSU is capable of storing 40,000,000 EU and outputs 2048 EU/t from the dotted side. Equipping the Hazmat Suit is necessary to avoid radiation damage while holding radioactive items. Empty Cells were replaced in IndustrialCraft 2 Experimental by Universal Fluid Cells . Advanced Chainsaw. 5) points with a critical hit when turned on. The recipes of the Generator were changed (to the current one) and the output of the Generator was buffed from 1 x 5 EU-p per tick to 1 x 10 EU-p per tick. I used a manual kinetic generator for this, though there is an electic version too. (some legacy content) Tooltip: Decrease process time to 70% / Increase power to 160%. 4 Crafting Recipe ChangesThe Chemical Electrical Storage Unit or CESU, is a Tier 2 energy storage unit that stores Industrial Craft EU. The direction of ejected items can be configured by right-clicking on the opposite side of a machine to which items are to be ejected out of (e. Each motor added provides 100kU. IC2 v. In addition, it is used for the intermediate stages of crafting many items. FYI. The thickness is clipped off in a Turning Table with the Lathing Tool to reflect a. png 296 × 164; 1,004 bytes. Reactors are capable of outputting considerable power: each Uranium Cell will output 5 EU/tick, meaning that high-output Reactors need high-level infrastructure to avoid machinery. png 46 × 30; 307 bytes. The Transformer Upgrade is an upgrade added by IndustrialCraft 2. Charging []. Each use consumes some energy from the tool, which can be recharged by any block that provides EU ( BatBox, Charging Pad, etc. IC2 MetalFormer GUI Progress2. It stores up to 300,000 EU which can be accepted by its five input sides at up to medium voltage (128 EU/t). 71 for Minecraft 1. Nano. It was also a crafting component in the CF Backpack. 车床 (Turning Table)资料的合成表列表页面,此资料来自模组 [IC2]工业时代2 (Industrial Craft 2),我的世界MOD百科,提供Minecraft (我的世界. Advanced Electric Jetpack. They can be used both to supply power to IndustrialCraft 2 machines and to recharge IndustrialCraft 2 tools and batteries. Basic crafting is the same for (almost) every metal - bronze is one of the outliers, not having an ore form and thus no crushed or purified forms either. The Turning Table is a brand new machine in IndustrialCraft 2 Experimental that you now need to create a Diamond Mining Drill. From Industrial-Craft-Wiki. First appearance. Sticky Resin is a resource added by IC², and is the base form of Rubber. the rest are for manipulating items in the inventory (these are the same for any block which has an inventory, like chests, crafting tables, etc). Contents. Miner • Advanced. . Of course there are better mods that have come out since. The efficiency of a Nuclear Reactor is equal to the number of pulses per tick produced by its Uranium Cells divided by the number of cells in the reactor. #8 合成表. . 18. As with the Kinetic Wind Generator, it requires either a Iron, Steel (Refined Iron) or Carbon Gearbox Rotor. HV-Transformer. It can also be compacted into Bronze Blocks. Item Casings are items added by IndustrialCraft 2 for crafting purposes. 3 Hardware design. The V1 is a premium record player with powerful. Supply power by pointing to it and holding the right mouse button. I used a manual kinetic generator for this, though there is an electic version too. 18. I insert it into the turning table and some kind of new interface appears. Craft = craft things. Full fluid containers will be inserted on the left top. Thus, it will never wear out, just like other electric tools. The scuba helmet, when worn, takes one from your inventory and replaces it with an Universal Fluid Cell . Kinetic Generator • Turning TableYellow—Switch is booting. which is good, youd need that if you planned on doing everything with the turtle. This is useful for powering advanced machines and for medium-range energy transport. Can take HV and has a varying internal buffer of energy (10K - 10M). The QuantumSuit is an armor set from the IndustrialCraft 2 mod. I tried crafting a turning table, but it wouldn't work, and when I searched for it, I found it wasn't even in the game. Rubber Wood is one of the components of Rubber Trees. It has the ability to process 2 stacks of items simultaneously. {{ keyword }} You Might Also Like {{ KEYWORDBYINDEX 8 }} {{ keyword }}{{ KEYWORDBYINDEX 9 }} September 17, 2019 {{ KEYWORDBYINDEX 10 }} {{ keyword }}{{ KEYWORDBYINDEX. Yes (64) The Steel Ingot is an item added by the IndustrialCraft 2 mod. Taiga 0-6% chance to generate 0-3 Rubber Trees per chunk. The Transformer. Sry, but how do i craft laser and drill now? I have the turning table, kU, and an iron turning blank. The boots reduce damage sustained by a factor of 8 rounded down. Adjustable Transformer. so viel wie Industrielles Handwerk) ist eine Modifikation, die viele elektrische Maschinen, Blöcke und Gegenstände hinzufügt. EU is not related to Redstone signal, but some machines can be. If the player holds the item in their hand or inventory, they will be afflicted by the status effect Radiation and receive 1 ( ) point of damage per. Lastly, the slots on the right is. 2. Right the whole KU bullshit in IC2 sucks balls Put down a Turning table with a rod-thinger and a turning tool, and an electric kinetic gen with all 10 motors. . Terra Wart. Step 7: The Soothing Hum of Power []. BTW, I think the turning table was actually removed from 1. IC2 - PROFIBUS DP V. 6) at a moderate energy loss rate. As cells decay inside the reactor, they produce heat. For example, putting one Transformer Upgrade in an Electric Furnace will increase the maximum energy input from 32 EU/t (LV) to 128 EU/t (MV), and so on. When a GT machine explodes (due to overvolting, fire, or otherwise), it creates 2,000,000 gibbl of pollution in the chunk it was in. Depending on whether they were filled with Biofuel or. The extractor can convert some cells to fuel cells of the same sort, such as the Bio Cell to the Biofuel Cell and the H. 3) ID. IndustrialCraft 2 (IC2) adds a variety of electrically-powered machines to the Minecraft. The Solar Distiller accepts up to 10 buckets of Water and will slowly transform it into Distilled Water during the day time (the same way a Solar Panel generates energy). 692 (IC²) Accelerate UU graph. Stackable. To turn the Nano Saber on or off, simply right click with the Saber equipped. The Scrap Box is an item from IndustrialCraft 2 made from nine pieces of Scrap . Crafting. 12. Liquids can be inserted by pumping them in or by manually inserting buckets. 2048 EU/t. The output side is marked with an orange dot and delivers energy in packets of 128 EU/t and can be relocated by right-clicking one. A crafting table. 1 Drill; 2. It offers machines that can double. The Nano Saber is the most advanced close combat technology on the go! Charge it up at an MFE or an MFSU, right-click it and slice those Creepers as if it were an infinite durability Diamond Sword that uses electricity. 7. IndustrialCraft2, often stylized as IC2, is a mod for Minecraft based around industrial processes and is one of the most venerable mods still in use in Feed The Beast today. It is a Tier-3 Item, so it can only be charged with HV or EV currents ( MFE or above). The Electric Treetap is used by right-clicking a sap hole on a rubber tree (orange rectangle on the trunk), which will yield a small amount of Sticky Resin. While playing it, you will feel right at home again, rediscovering most of the stuff known from IC. 10 pack hope this helps if. Coal Cell to a Coalfuel Cell. Contents 1 Powering The Manual Kinetic Generator only requires the player to right-click it to generate KU at a rate of 400 KU /click. damage to player. 8. Shift+Right-clicking turns the. Basic crafting is the same for (almost) every metal. Before we get started, you will need all the stuff you would normally for a farm: a flat area of land, a hoe, water, and some seeds. Pumps and waterproof pipes or buckets can be used to transport oil around. UU-Matter is created in a Mass Fabricator unless GregTech 4 is installed, in which case a Matter Fabricator is required to produce UU-Matter. 0 and later (FTB Monster and later)The Blast Furnace is a machine from IndustrialCraft 2 Experimental solely for the purpose of creating Refined Iron. Wire Redstone to the Teleporter. In the following all ports of UNIGATE ® IC2 are described in detail. Can't cick in the Turning Table. Energieeinheiten), oder kurz EU, gemessen. No. Resources shift-clicked into the crafting grid will be automatically balanced among all available positions. Work was started on a port and though things. The maximum output of an unmanned Water Mill is 0. 右クリック中に小さいkUを発生させる。Turning Tableの動作も可能。動力面は6面すべて 火力発電機 (Generator) かまど:1+マシンケーシング:1+充電式電池:1. Pioneer DJ PLX-1000 Professional Turntable. Type. 693 (IC²) Added fancy rendering for the Wooden and Iron Turning Blanks. The maximum hU output is determined by the number of Coils inside the machine. Usage: [ edit] 1. You may be looking for the TrainCraft Electric motor. While turned on, the Nano Saber will constantly consume EU whether it is being used to attack entities or not. 7. As it's name suggests, it is an upgrade of the normal Miner. Another tip for IC2 machines in general: if you get annoyed by charging the electric wrench to move machines in lossless. 1 How to Install; 1. Another feature of the Induction Furnace is its ability to build up heat. EUs are 'produced' by generators, transmitted along cables, stored by mobile units like an RE Battery or by stationary units like a batbox, and 'consumed' by various IC2 machines. Each operation consuming a suitable block or item has a 1 in 8 (12. Oil is a dark, viscous fluid that can be found floating in oceans and rivers around the world, from oil geysers or oil pools. Item. So. Most machines will accept power from a wire on all 6 sides, but you (usually) only need one input. Unlike the old cells, Universal Fluid Cells are reusable when placed in machines and will appear in any. Approximately once every two seconds the Tesla coil will simultaneously damage all creatures (including villagers and the player) within a 9x9x9 cube around the Tesla Coil. Each upgrade reduces the operating time to 70% of the previous value and increases energy consumption by 60%. In IC2, you can craft Diamonds! This is a multi-step process, all helpfully outlined on this page for you. 2. Flammable. It is most similar to the SI derived unit Joule. Properties. Each Coil adds 10 hU, with a maximum of 10 Coils. Using shaped metal instead of bare ingots in crafting recipes allows for more depth in the process; however, it does require the appropriate tool (s) for the job. The MV-Transformer is a block added by IndustrialCraft 2 used to convert High Voltage (HV) to Medium Voltage (MV), and back. 10 pack. It is the second lowest tier of cable and can handle only Low Voltage (before Minecraft 1. net. It produces power by converting EU to hU. Industrial craft was the best back in the day I remeber playing the original technic modpack back in 1. IC2 Machines, in this case the Metal Former won't connect to Advanced Universal Cable, They appear to but as soon as they draw any power it immediately disconnects and stays disconnected unless you relaunch and the same loop happens. Redirect page. Armor. 52K views 7 years ago Industralcraft. This tutorial will give you an in-depth look into IndustrialCraft 2 crops, the cross-breeding of plants, and the extensive agriculture system. 10 pack hope this. Discussion. The Pro-Ject Debut. 1 Setup. The Kinetic Unit is also new kind of energy in IC2 Experimental. If cooling is insufficient, the reactor will gradually overheat and eventually explode. The Wind Mill is a machine added by IndustrialCraft 2. 2, but that's far from the case. 旧IC2と違い生成されるのは液体マターで、これを複製機に投入して使用する。Changes. · 5y. I just ended up making like 32 and dumping them into my system for later use. Replenishes food bar using canned food from inventory. Most machines will accept power from a wire on all 6 sides, but you (usually) only need one input. Active Machine Detector. However, once you get your machines running, you will quickly notice how smooth and well-designed everything works now. A rubber tree with 4 to 6 logs will generate its leaves starting on the 3th block counting from bottom up, leaving a 2-high gap between the ground and the leaves. It permits the user to fly by holding the Jump key. This means that they cannot work underground, in the Nether, nor the End. The Slag is a resource from IndustrialCraft 2. From Industrial-Craft-Wiki Jump to navigation Jump to search Iron Turning Blanks , although useless on their own, can be modified in the Turning Table to be turned into a handle or a drill bit, required for crafting the Mining Laser and Diamond Drill respectively. Step 7: The Soothing Hum of Power []. ``` sbm ekkit how to make mining machineryThe real cost of mining Ethereum VentureBeat As you can see here,our hypothetical mining rig is more efficient and profitable than some oUU-Matter is an advanced resource added by IndustrialCraft 2, which let players craft a number of items and blocks using a variety of shaped recipes. steel and diamond blades for the Block Cutting Machine. Stackable. 1 Recipe; 2 Usage. None of those really seem like anything that would need to be mass produced to the point of wanting. It only needs energy to mine, but an OD Scanner or an OV Scanner is still needed for branching to the side. Turning table [IC2] Need Help Please. 2 Wooden Planks yields 6 Sticks. The Overclocker Upgrade, by itself, decreases a machine's processing time (by 30%) but also increases the EU required to process (by 60%). It connects with all cable types and emits a Redstone signal if it transmits Energy Units (EU). This is particularly. 9 ingots craft into a block and vice versa. Die Elektrizität der Modifikation wird in Energy Units (dt. It has been edited for tone/content/style. When turned on it will lose energy while inflicting heavy damage. Smelting anything but dust is a waste of resources, though - check the ore processing page to see how to maximize your output. 694 (IC²) Disable fancy rendering when on fast graphics. This does, however, allow for transfer of smaller amounts of fluid, such as the UU-Liquid produced by the Mass Fabricator . . The Electric Kinetic Generator itself does not transform energy: add Electric Motors to the generator interface to do so. Minecraft Tutorial: Turning Table (Industrial Craft 2) [DE] Brighter Santitan 11K subscribers Join Subscribe 185 16K views 8 years ago Minecraft Tutorials Deutsch. It deals 20 ( ) points of damage or 25 ( × 12. However, I can't find a way to turn them off unless I break the wires behind them which is a little. 3. The Turning Table is a brand new machine in IndustrialCraft 2 Experimental that you now need to create a Diamond Mining Drill. IndustrialCraft 2 (or IC2 for short) is a mod which adds many electrical machines, blocks, and items. 10 pack. With GregTech 4 installed, the Compressor is also required to create blocks of. Steel in plate form is used in crafting Advanced Machine Casings for making the more complex machinery of IC². Heat may be removed by several different cooling methods. Armor. . The scanner requires an item called Crystal Memory in order to save the scanned 'pattern' of the item that can be inserted/imported into the using it's down arrow in the Pattern Storage. 9 ingots craft into a block and vice versa. The Personal Safe is a mechanical storage unit in IndustrialCraft 2 that can only be opened by the first player that uses it, and server OPs. AE2 recognises and uses the. These are suitable for use in the Chernobyl-4 Nuclear Reactor, each capable of outputting incredible amounts of power!. Contents. When crafted also yields a written book that we'll get to in a moment. A rotor is required to run a Wind Turbine. For Steam Turbine (Block), see Steam Turbine (IndustrialCraft 2) (Block). The Crop-Matron is an IndustrialCraft 2 machine which tends nearby plants grown on Crops. A Bronze Wrench is capable of rotating machines and removing them safely (with a ~20% chance of dismantling the machine into a machine block) (see section below for IC2 Exp). It can be used to build walls/buildings (using scaffolding), hide cables and create reinforced stone (using iron. It's primary purpose is to centrifuge Purified Crushed Ores into Dusts and Tiny Piles of Dusts. WrittenlnRed. EUs are 'produced' by generators, transmitted along cables, stored by mobile units like an RE Battery or by stationary units like a batbox, and 'consumed' by various IC2 machines. Recipe. Zero. From Industrial-Craft-Wiki. The Scanner will also output patterns directly to the Pattern Storage if it is placed near one. IC2 Compressor GUI Progress. IC2 - PROFIBUS DP V. Thanks. It is not generated as ore, but must be created from Iron in a Blast Furnace. and with light effects!! Now don't forget that it only loses energy when it. IC2: { { {id}}} Crops are the result of planting an item in the crop block. It can be extracted into a Rubber. Hi there! If there is possible to automatisate Turning Table, using ic2, AE2 and TE4? Thanks! Compressed Air Cell. 673 LV-Transformer • MV-Transformer • HV-Transformer • EV-Transformer. 0-100 hU/t. This can be enhanced by breeding Stickreed with better stats, upto where it matures in mere seconds. The cost amount is determined by a function of distance and weight. Once a rotor is placed inside the GUI, the turbine is given sufficient space, and the wind level is strong. The Wooden Rotor will not work in the Kinetic Water. a quick look at the turning table. It offers machines that can double ore output and generate power, as well as nuclear power and quantum armor. 3. Chained storage blocks (i. Jump to navigation Jump to search. The Miner will consume the pipes to dig down extracting ore it finds in its scan range. It will electrolyze a cell when the block is more than 70% full, and discharge it when the block is less than 25% full. The Stirling Kinetic Generator is an open cycle kinetic generator that accepts Heat and water, it then heats up water to produce KU and Hotspring water. (Like a TE Schematic, or an RP2 plan, where you specify what it does and then it continues to do that when things are input, and only allows output on the completed object. 12. These need to be touching the turning table, I don’t think you can transport kU. . I sort of wish they'd just made it so that it could be automated instead of removing it entirely, but oh well. Mine = mine resources. As you may have expected, the producers and consumers are pretty much self explanatory; the consumer intakes power, and the producer generates power. The first two can be used to store Lava and are thus more preferable. It does so at the cost of EU. It is somewhat unique in that it doesn't use EU as its main power source but hU (= heat units), which must be generated by external means (i. The most recent version of IC² is V2. The Kinetic Wind Generator (or Wind Turbine) is an upgrade of the old Windmill. A Block Cutting Blade (Iron) can cut these blocks into 9 plates: Wood (of any sort) yields 6 Wooden Planks of the appropriate type. It is most commonly used together with a Kinetic Wind Generator or a Kinetic Steam Generator . The Blast Furnace uses compressed air to generated Refined Iron. Subscribe. OreDict Name. If there's a repeatable issue that can be labeled as a bug, then please use the issue tracker for the pack or the app at GitHub issue trackers - If there's no repository for a pack that means that the pack is old and/or. Swampland 10-30% chance to generate 5-15 Rubber Trees per chunk. 0 - 10. I've seen discussion in several threads saying ic2 is a dead and that we won't be getting an update past 1. They are made from extracting Bio Cells. Right clicking the resin hole with a Treetap will produce 1-3 Sticky Resin, which can be smelted into 1 Rubber each in any furnace or extracted in. All power storage units, such as BatBox, CES Unit, MFE, and MFSU can emit redstone signal by listed conditions: Nothing - feature is off. 010 EU/t per block of adjacent water. v · d · e IndustrialCraft 2. This only purpouse is to be used to replicating other items and is one of the only two ways to obtain iridium. We have been nothingCoal Dust (IndustrialCraft 2) This article is about IndustrialCraft 2 and GregTech 4 Coal Dust. Industrial Craft². It is a tier (?) crop, best obtained by cross-breeding Nether wart on a Snow block. Weed-Ex should also be used in a Crop-Matron if users are. 7. IC2:te@46. The Multi-Functional Storage Unit, or MFSU, is a Tier 4 energy storage unit that stores EU ( IndustrialCraft 2 ). You can create a world in creative and try to do all (try seeing in wiki what to do here). ,The Turning Table is a machine added by IndustrialCraft 2, used to modify the Iron Turning Blank and the Wooden Turning Blank. Slag (IndustrialCraft 2) This article is about an item from IndustrialCraft 2. 10. 1. Turn IC2 jetpack engines on and off. Off. 7. It can be recharged in an MFE, an MFSU or a GregTech Charge-O-Mat. In the absence of any other surrounding blocks to connect to, the workbench serves as a vanilla crafting table with two enhancements: Resources placed in the crafting grid will remain there even when the GUI is closed. Structure. wired to other storage blocks) can be used to avoid cable loss on lengthy transmission lines; however, the material cost of crafting another storage block may well outweigh the extra 1 or 2 EU per packet you would otherwise lose. This number corresponds to an efficiency rating that is appended to the Reactor Classification. Die Elektrizität der Modifikation wird in Energy Units (dt. The Blast Furnace uses compressed air to generated Refined Iron. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. The Recycler is a machine in IndustrialCraft 2 that is used to create Scrap from excess materials. The GUI requires the Turning Blank to be in the top-left slot, with the Lathing Tool in the. IndustrialCraft 2. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Outdated Content: This information is outdated and does not apply to the current version of IC². The EU-Detector Cable is a tier four energy cable added by IndustrialCraft 2. You can as well reuse older TFBPs, by just placing them into the crafting grid, so they will become empty again. The Miner is added by IndustrialCraft 2 as an automated mining solution. Turning TableにIron Turning BlankとLathing Toolを入れると、こんな感じの画面になります。 赤枠のボタンを押す度に各所が1ずつ削られるので、4、3、2、2、2となるように削りましょう。 削る度に先ほど左上の枠にいれたIron Turning Blankの形が変わってきてますよね?Dust is the final pre-smelting state and requires no further processing, though it may have other uses (creating alloys like Bronze for example). Cutting mode is used to turn plates into cable and Iron Item Casings into Industrial Credits. png 48 × 34; 161 bytes. if you want to move stuff between the. Wiring is easier, batteries aren't as. Discussion. v2. Cables can be either insulated or non-insulated,. 1 What is the bug: I cannot craft an iron turning blank in a request table If i try to shift click in the recipy i get booted off the server. The Empty Cell is a fluid and gas storage device added by IndustrialCraft 2. Operation [ edit] The GUI of the Miner containing a Diamond Drill, Mining Pipe, an OV Scanner, and an Ejector Upgrade. Crypto Main article: Metal shaping. Iron Plate (IndustrialCraft 2) can be used to create the following items: 50V Compressor. Please note that the recipe has changed from 1. It generates Heat Units (hU) by cooling hot liquids. The size of the area will be 33x33 when using an OD Scanner or 65x65 when using an OV. It produces power by burning the same types of fuel you would normally provide for a Furnace. This page is about the Recycler from IndustrialCraft 2.